
كَلَّا إِنَّهُمْ عَن رَّبِّهِمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ لَّمَحْجُوبُونَ


Kalla innahum AAan rabbihim yawma-ithin lamahjooboona

Word by Word:

Nay! Indeed, they from their Lord that Day surely will be partitioned.


Nay, verily, from [the grace of] their Sustainer shall they on that Day be debarred;

Verily, from (the Light of) their Lord, that Day, will they be veiled.

Nay, but surely on that day they will be covered from (the mercy of) their Lord.

Nay, surely they are that day debarred form their Lord.

No! Indeed, from their Lord, that Day, they will be partitioned.