
فَلَا تُطِعِ الْكَافِرِينَ وَجَاهِدْهُم بِهِ جِهَادًا كَبِيرًا


Fala tutiAAi alkafireena wajahidhum bihi jihadan kabeeran

Word by Word:

So (do) not obey the disbelievers and strive (against) them with it, a striving great.


hence, do not defer to [the likes and dislikes of] those who deny the truth, but strive hard against them, by means of this [divine writ], with utmost striving.

Therefore listen not to the Unbelievers, but strive against them with the utmost strenuousness, with the (Qur'an).

So obey not the disbelievers, but strive against them herewith with a great endeavour.

So obey not the disbelievers, and strive against them a mighty striving with it.

So do not obey the disbelievers, and strive against them with the Qur'an a great striving.